The Publishing Services Department (PSD) within the church consists of multiple groups that deal with all sorts of media
and is responsible for managing about 8PB of storage within the PSD.
Case Study
Prior to March 2020, the company’s editing studio was the central work environment for six editors. When the pandemic hit and the team began working from their own homes, they struggled with the task of uploading and sharing files remotely.
With an aging LTO tape library and legacy system, the ministry faced a serious dilemma: they did not have the space or speed to securely continue producing mass amounts of content. This was of particular concern regarding their live events.
As one of three divisions at Leading Authorities, Inc., LAI Video is a booming boutique video communications company with a team of creative storytellers. Based in Washington, DC, the Emmy-award-winning company specializes in full-service video production, from stylish motion graphics and comprehensive live-action shoots to web video production and commercial production.