Solving the Top Five Challenges of Hybrid Environment Editing in 2021
The Challenges of the Hybrid Editing Environment

For the Media and Entertainment industry—and specifically, video editors—the concept of remotely “just logging in and grabbing a file” can be highly complex. For one, it’s never about a single file. This isn’t the same as someone needing access to a Microsoft Excel or PDF file. It’s also not like logging into a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform to complete single user-centric tasks. In this case, it’s about multiple editors needing the same file simultaneously, all while ensuring security of the assets in question.

Addressing connectivity, workflow, collaboration, and storage—the struggle is very real.

As such, media organizations around the world are looking to solve anywhere-and-anytime remote editing workflows in the same manner as if the editors were in-house (in the office).

This educational guide details how to solve the following challenges:

  • How to recreate the internal LAN experience for the remote environment
  • How to fully manage hybrid workflows and collaboration How to implement enhanced file security
  • How to deliver seamless client access
  • How to resolve storage & operating system conflicts
Download the Guide