Celebrating Scale Logic’s 10-Year Anniversary

How our incredible past has led to the promise of an amazing future.

Though I have never been one to participate in “New Year” trends such as resolutions and “new year, new me” fads, the arrival of 2023 has most definitely brought about a profound sense of reflection. 

As we kick off yet another trip around the sun, Scale Logic is about to celebrate its tenth Anniversary, a significant milestone for any company. In our case, it represents an incredible ten years, not to mention my thirty-seven-year history in the media and entertainment technology solutions industry. I’ll spare everyone on the finer details—this is not meant to be my memoir—but I have to say that the past thirty-seven years have been everything from eye-opening to wildly exciting, to stressful (that can’t be overstated), highly educational, and all-encompassing of every other emotion imaginable.

For instance, for those of a “certain age,” long before my partners and I founded Scale Logic, I was with Rorke Global Solutions, a large storage solutions company. Upon that company’s acquisition in 2011 by Avnet, I decided to leave—knowing that the legacy industry support that Rorke customers once enjoyed would be lacking. My departure from Rorke brought about the birth of Scale Logic—a much different company than we are today.

This industry has seen companies come and go—from small startups that did not make it, to companies with colossal funding that tried to buy their way in; regardless of circumstance, many disappeared. In addition, companies that became too big within the vertical were forced to make decisions best for their P&L rather than for their customers. Scale Logic, however, was an extension or continuation of Rorke. As such, we needed to build Scale Logic on the foundational values that Herb Rorke instilled many years ago, including adding value, guaranteeing quality, and ensuring world-class support.

These three values are the cornerstone that defines us to our customers.

From our meager beginnings, like any fledgling company, we needed a place to start. So, we began with the plan to support the legacy Rorke customer base, which I was deeply attached to and knew all too well. To accomplish that first task, we created similar product offerings as my previous employer, but with superior value and the promise of continuous evolution to ensure the media and entertainment industry always had a company they could rely on—now and in the future. 


Within a short period, our fledgling company soon began showing signs of growth, a testament to an industry that placed its faith in us and drove us to deliver on our promise. As success began, we added our extended hardware services model, providing post-warranty, year-four support, and beyond. And again, our company grew.

It was at this point that we made the strategic decision to become far more than just a hardware storage and support company. With the onset of true digital transformation and the seemingly ever-evolving world of media file types and sizes, we knew that workflows were critical to our customer base. So, we embarked on the next phase of Scale Logic, building our state-of-the-art interoperability lab to dive headfirst into the world of value-added software products designed to help once again drive more efficiencies for media companies. 

It’s this history that now brings us to today. We have continued to deliver on our promise, and Scale Logic remains the trusted go-to partner and the global leader in media workflow infrastructure. Our recently released WorkflowConnect, our unique platform, represents the full spectrum of Media Workflow Solutions encompassing hardware and software to meet all evolving media workflow needs.

So what’s next for Scale Logic? With everything I have experienced over the past thirty-seven years, our plans for the future are the most exciting yet. First, we will continue to evolve our legacy solutions to encompass every aspect of production and nearline storage, all-flash scale-out, production clustered, and cloud storage. More so, we will continue to evolve our remote editing solutions, all while adding archive and backup, data movement and data access, and comprehensive storage analytics and business intelligence.

The future of our company is poised to be spectacular, and I sincerely thank everyone who has been a part of our growth, evolution, and collective family. Cheers to thirty-seven years and the decades to come!